Sunday, September 21, 2014

When the universe is telling you to take a day off from the gym!

I was planning to go to the 4pm yoga class - so when I pulled into the parking lot at 3:59pm, I knew I was cutting it close but figured I could make it. Unfortunately, the parking lot was completely full and I had to find some random and possibly illegal parking across the street from the gym. By the time I got to the yoga class, the room was packed and they were out of props. After 15 minutes of trying to get my yoga on in a tiny crowded corner, I gave up.

Since I was already at the gym, I figured I could get a good run in on a treadmill. I love treadmills that have TVs attached to them so that I can be distracted by how much I dislike running. Unfortunately, they didn't love me back at the gym today. I encountered 6 broken treadmills before I decided to just deal with a bouncy, fuzzy display. I managed to power through a 4 mile run before I realized that I was really hungry.

It seems like one of those days where the universe was telling me to take a day off from the gym! But I had already driven all the way there, I couldn't bring myself to drive back home without having worked up a sweat. Next time, I'm going to give myself an A for effort and then go get some bubble tea.

Stonehenge, March 2011

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